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Deep Dive: Figma Auto Layout, Constraints, Breakpoints & Modes(1.5h)

NEW! Full Config 2024 Update Featuring the New Figma UI Design!


Auto layout driving you crazy? Scared of what will happen with your design in the browser? Then this class is just right for you! We will learn everything about how to set up responsive designs in Figma.

This is going to be a real deep dive into auto layout, constraints, and, most importantly but rarely discussed, how to deal with breakpoints for your UI design, ranging from a simple setup to a more advanced approach with variables and modes.

Understanding and combining these tools will help you set up components, design patterns, and entire pages that align with code settings.

With the Figma course material file, you can work alongside me or return to exercises with detailed instructions in your own time.

This class is right for you if you have basic knowledge of Figma or if you are an advanced Figma user and want to brush up on your skills.


Auto Layout deep dive

  1. What is auto layout?
  2. Setting up auto layout frames
  3. The auto layout menu
  4. The auto setting
  5. Advanced auto layout menu
  6. Resize settings
  7. Vertical resizing tips
  8. Ignore auto layout
  9. Auto layout components and variables
  10. Setting min and max values
  11. Auto layout wrap
  12. Fixed aspect ratio images (hack)
  13. Learn about nesting: parent-child relationship
  14. Suggest auto layout
  15. Some magic with tables: auto layout and AI
  16. More advanced setup (examples)
  17. Auto layout pages
  18. Auto layout and CSS flexbox
  19. Slot components with auto layout



  1. What are constraints in Figma?
  2. Constraints and grids
  3. A quick intro to grids in Figma


Breakpoints & Modes

  1. Introducing CSS breakpoints
  2. Breakpoints in Figma
  3. Modes and screen sizes: a quick intro
  4. Binding variants to modes
  5. Hide and show with booleans
  6. Responsive typography with modes
  • Figma course material file

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